
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Three Years of Marriage: A Bit of What We've Learned

A couple weeks ago, we passed the three-year milestone of marriage. Yeah, it's not that long, but I think it's safe to say that we've found our married groove. (Which I hear gets totally disrupted when people decide to have a baby. We haven't made that decision yet.)

As we dined out at the lavish Piropos Grill (thanks, Groupon!), we talked a bit about what three years had taught us. 

So fancy! The waiter even referred to me as "the lady" all evening, hehe. "And what may I get for the lady?"
We knew before we got married that we were both stubborn. 

I don't think we realized just how stubborn we were. 

Yet, after three years, we're actually thankful for that stubbornness. I appreciate having a husband that doesn't let me mow over him with my stubbornness. My husband tells me he appreciates that I don't let him get away with things. 

We challenge each other - in a good way (now, lol). 

Thanks to hubby, I've discovered I enjoy life with a lot more flavor...if not for him, I'd still be eating Seafood Sensation on white bread at Subway. Long ago he convinced me to try the Italian BMT with chiptole sauce, black olives, green peppers, etc...much to my surprise, I liked it. Let's just say he's got me out of a lot of "boxes". 

He's opened my eyes to people that aren't like me. I grew up around people who are very much like me. Jordan is caring and compassionate to people from all walks of life. If there's someone I feel uncomfortable around (b/c they're not like me), he probably wants to have a conversation with them to make sure they love Jesus or find out what makes them tick or more about their on and so forth.

He's taught me compromise. Just because I don't think coffee falls in the grocery "need" category doesn't mean it's not there. 

He's taught me to slow down. It's okay to sleep in. It's okay to not be going going going and doing doing doing 190% of the time. 

He's showed me I don't have to eat the cheapest lunch meat, cheapest cheese and cheapest bread to pay off student loans. I don't have to live completely bare bones; a little fun is allowed. A little fun is on the "need" list, too. 

I won't speak for him as to what I've shown him in three years of marriage, but he might tell you he's heard me say a lot of "everything has a home" and "is this a want or a need?" (or "we don't need that") and "Dave Ramsey says..."

Three years has been good to us. It's been an adventure. And I'm still pretty darn stoked that this is who God gave me as a partner. 

Enjoying a delicious cup of tomato basil soup. 

Jordan's steak with lobster and hollandaise sauce, served with mashed potatoes and sautéed mushrooms. 

Seafood ravioli with roasted poblano cream sauce. Yum.

The fancy table: empanada, soup, bread, garlic and herb dipping sauce, wine...


  1. Really, Really love this post! You guys are what I look up to for a good, loving, respectful relationship.. I cannot wait to be able to have what you all have now :). I can't believe it has already been THREE years since you guys got married, seems like just yesterday.. oh, how time does not cease to go by so fast. I really hope you guys had an amazing! three year anniversary!! and to many, many more years of happiness! Love you Betsy and Jordan, miss you very much! :( Please forgive me for not trying to be in your guys' lives the past years, with all that has gone on, I finally realize what life is really about, and that I needed to let go of all the grudges I had, bad things from the past, because family is the most important thing in the World. Well, I really hope all is well with you two! Good luck at your new job Betsy! So happy to hear it's much better than the previous one! :)) God does have his reasons for everything, and he made you two for eachother, and I am soo thankful for that :)
    I will hopefully talk to you later!
    I will be trying Jordan tomorrow, maybe catch you too Betsy :)
    Love you guys!

    1. Awww, thank you for your sweet note, Nicole! We miss and love you, too, and are excited to hear that things are starting to look up for you. The first step is definitely changing your own feelings about the situation. We're praying for everything going on in your life, and know that God always has a plan. He can do great things and can turn around anyone's life :)

      Much love!
