
Monday, November 12, 2012

Who Invited You?

Today, I'm wondering who invited the sleet to KC. It's 33 it's not freezing...yet. EEK. People here are not very good drivers when it's anything but "normal" outside. Even when it's just sprinkling, there are a lot of accidents. That makes me very concerned for winter. Yes, I am a South Dakota driver, but I'd much rather let my hubby handle driving during the rain, sleet, snow, get the picture. I'm a fair-weather driver. So, the thought of my interstate-commute to work this winter is making me more and more concerned as the weather gets colder and colder.

I've done a bit of inviting this week myself:

  • I invited someone to join me as a Pampered Chef consultant...and she said yes! 
  • I invited the saleswoman at the jewelry store (I was there b/c my ring - not wedding ring - got bent, not b/c I was buying something, haha) to have a PC show with me...I think she might say yes!
  • I invited 2 girls from work out to was delicious!
  • I invited a bunch of girls to my apartment on the 16th for a Dessert & Wine Pampered Chef party...hoping it's a good turnout and that we have fun! (If you're reading this, and you're in KC, you're invited!)
  • We invited a "couple" friend of ours from Sioux Falls to stop by our home for dinner as they traveled back from FL to SD. We enjoyed alfredo garlic chicken and salad with nuts and fruit. Yum.

And others have done more than their fair share of inviting me/us places:

  • My new PC consultant, Amanda, invited me to her apartment (which is only 5mins away!) for dinner and to answer some PC questions. We are really similar, and I think we'll be friends as well as fellow consultants...and that makes me really glad.
  • Amanda invited me to her first PC show...which was fabulous! She's a natural, and I'm so excited for her. (And her mom made some delicious sangria and Papa John's veggie pizza. YUM.)
  • Heath and Amber invited our Gospel Community into their home yet again this week and we had open honest conversations about what idols are in our own lives.
  • My wonderful aunt Kathy invited me to spend the day with her on Saturday, and we decided Joann Fabric was the place to be. I found fabric (2 kinds) for living room curtains (pics to come, when they're done) and fabulous fabric to reupholster the kitchen chairs, which Kathy and I are doing next weekend. So excited! (I'll post pics of that, too.) And, can't not share a great deal: all 3 fabrics that I bought were 50% off, and Kathy used her military discount (b/c it's Veteran's weekend) to get me an additional 20% off that! A steal. I'm stoked.
  • Zach & Kody invited us over for home-cooked ribs (ah-maze-ing. Zach, you can cook for us anytime!), cheddar mashed potatoes (um, can you say delish? My fav. Seriously.), I brought the good ol' standby: green bean casserole, and we enjoyed cake pops for dessert while playing a Monopoly card game...I'd never played before and it was awesome! And fast. Much faster than real Monopoly...which I really liked.
  • Chad & Chandra invited me to The Nutcracker by the Blue Springs was beautiful. And two of their daughters were in it, too - they were so cute as little mice!
  • Matt & Liane invited us (and 2 other couples, and Preston! His sweet Lisa still lives in TN, so he's a part of a couple, but the whole couple isn't here.) over for taco soup and fellowship. As you can see from the last 3 "invites" we have a lot of friends...and I love them all so much! What a blessing they are.
Here's just a few pics from the week:
Supper with friends from SD!
A delicious Andre's lunch with coworkers.  Can you tell I love this place? My entree of choice: Croute Appenzell (toasted French bread topped with pears, melted cheeses, bacon & walnuts), tomatoes, carrot salad.
My Andre's hazelnut torte, included with lunch. 

This is the most amazing sunset I've seen in KC yet. Hoping for more. So beautiful.
My (phone) camera is NOT made for far away, movement shots...this is at The Nutcracker, and there are the little mice. So cute. 

I hope you were able to experience being a guest this past week somewhere, and that you hosted some guests yourself. If not, try it next's wonderful to be invited, and it's equally wonderful to invite!

1 comment:

  1. People are the same here with driving. A little fog or rain, total chaos ensues. Not excited for when/if it snows ha!
